Welcome to...

...the mysterious world of Audrey.

hey, how's it goin. Since this is the beginning of my webpage, I suppose I might as well introduce myself.... My name is Audrey, I'm 15/f/WA...but then I shouldn't say that to strangers and potential psychos on the internet....should i? shush. i should not either. :P

Anyway, it is here that I will be noting anything I find interesting.. possibly articles on Christianity..defending it.. I've always been against the apologetics, but I find it something very easy to defend - YAY GOD - and it's fun... as much as I shouldn't debate things...it's still fun!
oh wait, where am i going here...
And I will have stuff on the modern music world... whatever band I feel like talking about... Creed, Newsboys, Peter Furler.. they rock y'know...

Ok I'm sick of my own thoughts, so check back later and I'll have cool stuff for you to see!
In fact, I hope you're not even seeing this... :p